Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What? Is up? With airline food?

Enough has been written about how much airline food sucks. I've never had a good airline meal and I bet you haven't either.

It's bad enough that they foist that crap upon us but now, in an effort to save money, many airlines are charging extra for meals. As if merely giving it to you wasn't bad enough, they now have the audacity to ask for money for this "food."

I just flew out to Oregon and on my flight from Memphis to Seattle, they provided us with beverages but charged for any food. Pringles? $3 for a small can. A pre-prepared "meal?" More than $6.

I understand that fuel prices hit the airline industry more than many others, but Jeebus people, charging extra cash for the extravagant airline feasts is like shooting yourself in the foot. Just drop the meals all together and make us bring our own stuff to nom.


pril said...

i flew Portland to St Louis a couple of years ago, forgot which airline, but they gave us all brown bag lunches. It was like being in jail and getting a Ladmo bag. The food was only a little better than jail food, too. Then I paid $5 for a can of Heineken!

kalipornia said...

i didn't know airlines still had food...

Al said...

It wasn't always like this. Check out this old Pan Am menu.